
Archive for the ‘John Kass’ Category

By John Kass | JohnKassNews.com

As a life-long, big city newsman so focused on work that my musical choices involved only news radio jingles, I no longer enjoy listening to news on the radio. Why?

Because it’s mostly biased corporate leftist crap, and I keep fretting about whether Alexander Soros has purchased this local news station or that one and bent its newsroom to his daddy’s will as if they were the once-thriving Cambodian middle class.

Meanwhile cable TV news is so full of snickering liberal rage, and pouty left-wing news presenters with epic hair, that I can’t stand it.

But I’ve come up with a positive alternative:

National People’s Radio.

Que the Pan flutes and the bird sounds from the Amazon rain forest. Yes, the time has come.

And, added plus, “free” public television with programming set up by a corporate board of prominent American conservatives including the scholar Victor Davis Hanson, radio broadcaster Dan Proft, Tom Bevan co-founder of Real Clear Politics and University of Chicago Professor Emeritus Charles Lipson.

For example, we’d have President Joe Biden, accompanied by those Pan Flutes playing the theme of Cmdr. McBragg, telling the story of Joe’s heroic Uncle Ambrose being devoured by cannibals in New Guinea. Whether it happened or not. You can’t make omelets without breaking a few eggs, right Walter Duranty?

And lengthy panel discussions on “It’s the Economy Stupid” about how much things cost at the store, what they cost now and how great things were BJ (Before Joe) and droll comedies from Britain on the humorous antics of liberal chumbolones, and sad dramas from Britain about sad middle-class depressives.

We’ll have sports too, from 24-hour fly fishing to 24-hour soccer that often ends 0-0, and city apartment terriers killing alley rats.

We’ll call that one about the rat-killer “Prince of the City” along with a kid’s cartoon show on the heroic “Prince” protecting a multi-racial family from cartoon rats.

To fund it all, we’ll invoke a complicated hidden federal tax scheme replete with complicated grants and call it just a bunch of “grants” that are all much too intricate for Americans to bother about in Congress. So I hope you’ll never get to the bottom of it and the money keeps flowing in to support my elitist fly-fishing documentaries and scoreless soccer.

Wait a minute. You don’t think Americans should pay for red-blooded rat hunting sports and right-wing comedies on the death of the citizen and fly-fishing stories with corporate “sponsorships” to entertain a tiny fraction of the population?

Buzz off, fascist.

Read more here.

Related: “NPR Scandal Should Kill Taxpayer-Funded Broadcasting,” “National Public Radio’s Debacle and the ‘Vibe Shift’

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Zeus the Wonder Dog

By John Kass

The boys desperately wanted a dog.

And finally, when they were in 8th grade, profusely and relentlessly promising daily morning, noon and night that they were old enough, mature and responsible enough to care for a dog, we finally broke down and got them a pup.

Zeus the Wonder Dog.

I’ll always remember him proudly guarding our garden, as you see him in the photo above, head up, chest out, eyes sharp, muscles toned. A strong, beautiful boy ready to chase away his eternal enemies the rabbits, or sleeping on that rug next to my feet in my home office for years when I typed these columns. I’ve never given him a by-line, but he deserved one.

That’s how I remember him, or playing soccer with us. Yes, a dog smart enough to grab his collar tags in his teeth, to prevent him from grabbing that hard red rubber ball with his mouth.

It was amazing to watch. He’d pass to your feet and make a run, waiting for a return pass. He was known by soccer savants for his backheel pass, like the Francesco Totti of dogs.

But right now, I’m thinking of him as a little trembling pup away from his mother for the first time: My sons holding him in their laps on the long drive home from Spring Valley Kennel in Wisconsin.

It was a three-hour drive home. I took the back roads and make it a six-hour drive with Zeus in their laps, bonding with his new boys. Getting used to their scents. Imprinting my boys upon that beautiful pup.

The idea was to get a family pet, a German Shorthair Pointer, a bird dog to walk the fields with us. A well-bred dog for hunting, an all-around dog that could run all day, point pheasants, and retrieve, a dog built for swimming after ducks.

A watchdog and companion. A dog to lay out by the fire.

But how to find the right one?

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By John Kass

Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker—the perpetually frightened rich kid born on third base thinking he hit a triple—has a big fat political problem.

He’s hosting the Democratic National Convention, his big fat coming out party in Chicago, in August. His fantasy? Becoming president of the United States of America.

As he’s planning his party, America is starting to focus on the absolute political wasteland that Illinois has become. And if they but open their eyes they’ll see exactly how the Democrats treat the sanctity of the vote.

The leftists preen like perfumed apes dressed in velvet suits when speechifying about how much they revere the institutions of democracy. Democracy Dies in Darkness is the slogan of The Washington Post, the leftist paper that promoted the Russia Collusion Hoax designed to destabilize the Trump administration. But they received the highest prize of corporate media. They’re all about democracy and darkness.

But in Chicago, where the DNC is to be held, there is another way, the Chicago Way, the Johnny Rocco Way.


The Democrat Primary election for Cook County State’s Attorney—a key office in a county overwhelmed by repeat violent crime–was held last Tuesday. It was a nail-biter with less than 1,700 votes separating the top two candidates.

And a day or so after the polls were closed, there was a miracle. 10,000 “lost” votes were found!!!!

Social justice warrior, Defund the Police leftist and Chicago Board of Elections spokesman Max Bever explained it all as an arithmetic error. But 10,000 votes! Amazing.

As I write this, they’re still counting the votes, again and again. And they’ll keep counting as history and tradition inform us.

The newspaper editorial boards wring their hands, afraid of using the F word (fraud). But I think most voters are thinking about the R word, as in Johnny Rocco, who explained how to win elections in blue Democrat cities like Chicago.

“I take a nobody, see? Teach ’em what to say, get his name in the papers,” Rocco (Edward G. Robinson) says while getting a straight razor shave down in “Key Largo.” During his shave, he explained how Democrat big-city politics works.

“Yeah, pay for his campaign expenses. Dish out a lot of groceries, and coal, get my boys to bring the voters out, and then count the votes over and over until they added up right and he was elected … yeah.”

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By Paul Vallas| John Kass News

Mayor Johnson’s road to elective office was paved by the County Board President and Democratic Party Boss, Toni Preckwinkle, and greased with the financial support of Chicago Teacher’s Union (CTU) President Stacy Davis Gates, who literally raised the dues of her members to help finance Johnson’s campaign without approval of her rank and file.

This is their gift: Johnson, a failed teacher turned union organizer, who seems captive of the CTU’s agenda and that of the progressive left. Chicago sees him as its mayor floundering on a number of issues, from the chaos of immigration to street crime.

Stacey Davis-Gates draws much of the attention as it is her style to attack any critics of her or policies as being racist and labels proponents of school choice as fascists, while her union leverages its war chest to successfully lobby against the state’s small scholarship program for underprivileged kids to go to private schools, the “Invest in Kids Act.” This, while she sends her son to a private school, as do almost 40% of her CTU teacher members with school-aged children.

Meanwhile, Boss Preckwinkle maintains an extremely low profile. The goal of the Preckwinkle machine, like that of her predecessoris absolute power and control in which their agendas go unchallenged, dissenting voices are cancelled, and challenges to her decisions are demonized by accusations of racism. In short, Johnson and Preckwinkle’s supporters led by CTU and its network of community-based organizations work to intimidate and silence critics.

In true totalitarian fashion Preckwinkle and her fearful Party apparatchiks squashed a bid for an open party primary and by unanimous consent endorsed Board Preckwinkle’s hand-picked candidate for State’s Attorney, the woefully underqualified Clayton Harris III.

What are Harris achievements in a career of bureaucratic hopscotching?  Leading one of the single most useless governmental bodies in the state, the Illinois Port Authority, and serving as the last Chief of Staff to former Gov. Rod Blagojevich before his was impeached and removed from office.

Why Harris?  Probably the best Preckwinkle could summon in the race to succeed her current protege in that office.  Fealty to the boss is the most important qualification, especially in that office, given Preckwinkle’s determination to continue emptying out the jail. And when the Boss wants to assure there will be no criticism of her hand-picked outgoing failed States Attorney Foxx, who embarrassed the office countless times.

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By John Kass

Do you really think the bizarre angry-old-man cane waving performance of President Non Compos Mentis demonstrates his fitness for office?

Because after that politically disastrous news conference in the White House is where we are now.

Biden is no longer mentally fit to be commander-in-chief. He’s an empty husk. I told you he was a meat puppet years ago. Last week, on national television, he proved it.

The world is on the edge of war. China is pushing us in the Pacific, Iran pushes us across the Middle East. Russia is taking Ukraine, despite our war party’s best effort to bring us to the edge of world war. And the president is not in possession of his right mind. He’s slow and senile and the world can see it.

He is President Non Compos Mentis. That is lawyer talk, Latin for “of unsound mind.”

How did this come about? Biden’s Justice Department the other day ruled that the president was not mentally fit to stand trial on the issue of whether he’d illegally and for years taken top secret documents and stored them in broken boxes in his messy garage. He did willfully take the documents. He did in fact put them in broken boxes in his junky garage.

But the special prosecutor appointed by Attorney General Merrick Garland declined to press charges. Why? Biden is unfit to stand trial.

He’s not fit to stand trial, but he’s fit to be president?

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By Greg Ganske | JohnKassNews.com

“A conservative is someone who stands athwart history, yelling Stop!”  William F. Buckley

Many conservative baby boomers like myself picked up our political leanings from two influences.  In 1995, a high school friend loaned me a 115-page book written by L. Brent Bozell, a speech writer for Arizona U.S. Senator Barry Goldwater. When Bozell showed the “Conscience of a Conservative” manuscript to Goldwater it is said the Senator thumbed it for a few minutes and told Bozell to go with it. Regardless of authorship, I and others of my generation were blown away by it. (By the way, “Profiles in Courage” was ghostwritten, too.)

The book spelled out the conservative position on limited government, civil rights, the welfare state, and the Soviet menace. It fused capitalism, anti-communism and Constitutionally–limited government. Though a bit outdated, in the 1960s it was topical and practical. Its fundamental point: is that to flourish, both economic and political freedom are necessary. Without economic freedom we are dependent on the state and without political freedom we are slaves to it.

For many of our generation, the second conservative influence was William F. Buckley and his TV show, Firing Line. In the days before 24/7 news channels and their political panels there wasn’t anything like it. Buckley would debate guests on various political topics. His wit, command of English and gladiatorial style were mesmerizing. Leaning back with his eyes half closed he would skewer his debate opponent in his Mid-Atlantic accent with High Church overtones and Southern drawl. His style was honed at Yale where he and Boz

ell were national debate champions. Many conservatives today remember him better for his lancinating repartee than for his often libertarian, progressive positions.

In some ways he predated Trump, Buckley, “I’d rather entrust the government of the United States to the first 400 people listed in the Boston telephone directory than to the faculty of Harvard university.” Through his speeches Buckley brought together the three-post war conservative intellectual currents of traditionalism, libertarianism and anti-communism. He sought to exclude from the Republican Party the John Birch Society, George Wallace, racists, white supremacist and anti-Semites.

Read more here.

Note: Greg Ganske, MD is a retired plastic surgeon who cared for women with breast cancer, children with birth defects, trauma patients and farmers with hand injuries. He represented Iowa in the U. S. Congress from 1995-2003.  He is a retired Lt. Colonel in the U.S. Army Reserve Medical Corp.

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By John Kass

Have you heard the one about the Venezuelan migrant who couldn’t make it in America and so he declared that the American Dream was dead and then went home?

“The American Dream doesn’t exist anymore,” construction worker Michael Casteljon, 30, whined to a sympathetic reporter from Chicago after sleeping on the floor of a police station for a few weeks.

“There’s nothing here for us,” he said. “We just want to be home.”

OK, go home. Too bad.  Mr. Casteljon. Go home. Bye. You’ved had a long, dangerous journey and now you’re exhausted. So go back to Venezuela and hope the communists occasionally let you fill your belly with beans and rice. But you’re wrong about the American dream.

It does exist. My life is testament to it. You’re just not cut out for it.

And it’s not your fault that you believed the American president and his party of Democrats. They promised and they broke all their promises and you were witless enough to believe them, like so many other Democrat voters in Chicago. The wealthy among them waved their virtue and signaled it long and high and loud. Then they walked away leaving you alone. They turned their back on poor migrants in Martha’s Vineyard and they broke their promises in Chicago.

The amazing thing is that you’re not dead. Your family is alive. It’s not your fault. As the son and grandson of immigrants, I wish it turned out differently for you.

Read more here.

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By John Kass

Poor Zeus the Wonder Dog is getting creaky and gray, so hunting is no longer for the old guy. But with the hunting season approaching, intact and unreconstructed Americans yearn to walk the fields and woods with their dogs, and fall in love again with the wild, and pay homage to our forefathers and the great American tradition of filling the family stewpot with game fairly won.

But something else is happening. America is up in arms over woke remakes of “Bambi” and other classic children’s films. Disney is determined to apply Marxist leverage to classic children’s stories. This is why parents and grandparents are shunning the Commie Mouse. Though Disney CEO Bob Iger is suffering the pain of Disney stock hitting rock bottom and weakly whispering his pleas to  “quiet the noise,” I still have some noise to make:

I killed Thumper.

It wasn’t my fault, really. I’m not about to make excuses like some Democrat Soros prosecutor. But let’s pursue some “restorative justice” here.

It was our mom’s fault.

Yes it was mom who tried using the classic movie Bambi as some kind of politically correct Orwellian behavior modification tool. It was as if she were a 2023 news executive determined to bend reality and public opinion in the woke culture wars for political control, not with news exactly, but with the blatant propaganda of Bambi.

My mom is a conservative Republican who has long professed to hate the commies. But back in the day when we were little, she played her Bambi card like some woke Disney culture warrior. She took us to see Bambi (and his sidekick Thumper) on a Saturday afternoon, the day before we were to go on our first pheasant and rabbit hunt with our dad.

Read more here.

Related:Disney is About to Ruin ‘Bambi’ Too” 

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By John Kass
Sept.13, 2023

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson is consumed by the color of his skin. It seems that his black skin is all he wants to talk about.

Someone close to him might want to tell the poor fellow to simmer down, grow up and act like a man—and inform him he is not the first black mayor of Chicago.

But why talk of the color of his skin? Instead, let’s talk about the thinness of it.

I’ve been covering Chicago politics for decades—since the 1980s—and never has there been a politician with skin as thin as his. It’s not merely rice paper thin, it is so thin that it makes rice paper resemble cardboard. Brandon Johnson’s skin is so thin it must have been made by the faeries, ephemeral and disappearing, as light as a cherub baby’s breath.

I knew the first black mayor, who came up the hard way, slugging  it out with his opponents like Fast Eddie Vrdolyak. Harold Washington played the race card when it meant something, as a means to intimidate white liberal journalists into obedience. There is no creature as malleable as a liberal white journo petrified that he’ll be accused of racism.

But they’re all trained now. They’re all obedient now. Politicians can even pet them, at least in Chicago without fear of being bitten.

Harold Washington knew how to play broken knuckle politics. His father—a soldier in the Chicago Machine—was repeatedly passed over for promotion up the ranks, and this fueled Washington’s revenge for a time.

But Harold didn’t have time to hold a grudge against the white Daley faction of the old machine. He had a city to run. He had people to protect. He had a downtown to nourish and safeguard, because it kept the rest of the city alive and the taxman off the backs of the neighborhoods.

Brandon Johnson knows nothing of this. He was not prepared to deal with the details of government. He thinks he’s something of a charisma man. He knows how to scream race and more race, which becomes tiring when violent street crime destroys downtown and the value of commercial real estate leases.

Read on here.

Related:Editorial: Brandon Johnson uses race to try to preempt legitimate criticism. That won’t work well for Chicago.Chicago Tribune, “Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson whips out race card to dismiss his ‘slow start’ and other criticismsWirepoints Quickpoint,‘Microaggressions’ and the Mayor” – Wall Street Journal

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