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Flip, Flop: What changed your minds Trustees Messer, Meroni, and Selman?






In their bid to win votes as “Save 5 Acres,” candidates (now Trustees) Messer, Meroni, and Selman made the following statements on their campaign website (see Save 5 Acres Facts):

“We never proposed that unlimited commercial boarding be allowed on any five acre property.”

“We never proposed that commercial boarding for up to 9 horses be allowed on any five acre property.”

“We never supported unregulated boarding in the village.”

Yet now, Trustees Messer, Meroni, and Selman have voiced their objection to any regulation of commercial horse boarding in the Village.  At the most recent Village Board of Trustees meeting on August 22, 2011, these Trustees expressed their strongly held views opposing efforts to regulate and control commercial horse boarding in the Village.  During that meeting, Trustee Messer was quoted in Barrington Courier-Review as saying:  “We’re talking about adopting an ordinance that will seriously abridge the rights of property.”   Messer added that the proposed ordinance limiting property owners to 9-boarded horses on a five-acre property “goes too far.”

Trustees Messer, Meroni, and Selman—what has caused you to change your mind?  The residents of the Village deserve an answer.

– The BHO

Editorial update: When the preceding editorial was written, the link to the “Save 5 Acres Facts” web page was functioning.  Since that time, the “Facts” page content has been removed from the website,
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